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44 items found
Debian Bullseye, hard drives not found at boot
[SOLVED] After a recent upgrade of Debian bullseye, systemd times out trying to load system storage drives.
CZ Basics
Some basic information, and background information, about Casio CZ synthesizers.
Debian jessie, systemd, and plain encryption
[SOLVED] After a recent upgrade of Debian jessie, systemd fails to bring up a crypt disk that uses a key file and plain encryption.
Vegan Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin pie is a must-have pie for fall, but it can be tricky to make a vegan version. This is the recipe I have developed, with notes about technique.
Keeping Email Safe
The FSF published a fun infographic about pro-actively protecting your email from spying by people in the middle.
BricsCAD Is Double Printing Each Character
Why does text printed to PDF with BricsCAD V14 on Linux look heavy or bold? It turns out that each character is printed twice: once as outline, and again as fill.
BricsCAD Best TEXTQLTY Setting
Attempting to find out what is the best possible setting for TEXTQLTY for good PDF output with BricsCAD V14 and Linux. Why more TEXTQLTY is not always better.
Improved PDF Output For BricsCAD Linux
Bricsys announced that they made improvements to TrueType font rendering and PDF output in Linux. I take a look at the improvements.
BricsCAD TEXTQLTY Variable
An in-depth look at the new system variable TEXTQLTY in BricsCAD V14. Attempting to get improved output for PDFs created with BricsCAD V14 on Linux.
Translate motion between a square grid and a perspective grid
Three demos of ways to convert from an easy square grid to a complex perspective grid. Third demo is the most refined.
Debian jessie USB Keyboard Problem
[SOLVED] After upgrading from Debian wheezy to jessie, the USB keyboard does not work in initramfs and can’t be used for unlocking the root partition.
Electric Guitar
A project to build an electric guitar. This project was spread across many years.
Bed Platform
A project to quickly build a platform bed. Platform beds are simple, strong, and silent.
Multiple Sorting Of Computer Files
It should be easy to sort computer files in multiple ways, rather than being stuck with a single hierarchical sort.
CZ How To Transfer Sysex
How to information, and tutorials, for transferring sysex from a Casio CZ to a personal computer, and from a personal computer to a Casio CZ.
CZSYSEXY is a sysex librarian (with editing ability) for Casio CZ synthesizers.
Casio CZ Envelopes
A discussion of envelope data in Casio CZ synthesizers, including some common myths.
Media Cabinet
A project to build a cabinet to house stereo components and full-size PC.
Dirty Drawers
A furniture modification project to re-use the drawers from an old broken desk.
Casio CZ-1 Spelunking
An easter egg hunt inside a Casio CZ-1. A very close look at the 16 bits of sysex data that control wave, window, and modulation on Casio CZ synthesizers.
Aluminum Threshold Chair Repair
A description of a project to repair a wooden chair with an aluminum threshold.
Multi-Game Table
A project to build a small cafe-style table, with a painted design that allows for playing multiple games.
Watch Straps
One-size-fits-me unbreakable watch straps made from outdoor webbing and steel chain.
Food... It’s What’s For Dinner
A hungry web page with lots of delicious things on it.
Yummy Yummy Yummy
A video of a praying mantis eating a shield bug, with the praying mantis displaying a surprising singing behavior.
Mike Date
The Mike Date is an alternative and personal time-keeping system. This is the main page.