
CZ How To Transfer Sysex



This set of articles is intended to provide comprehensive instructions for transferring sysex between a personal computer and a Casio CZ.

Throughout this tutorial section, the model CZ-101 is used to stand in for CZ-101, CZ-1000, CZ-3000, and CZ-5000. It is used to make a distinction between the CZ-1 which is the only one that functions differently.

Linux Topics

The amidi utility is part of the ALSA suite of programs. The proper name for it is ALSA RawMidi Utility. amidi is used to send raw MIDI communication (like sysex) to devices connected to your computer.

amidiCZ-1SendSend a sysex file to a CZ-1 using amidi.
amidiCZ-1ReceiveRetrieve sounds from a CZ-1 using amidi.
amidiCZ-101SendSend a sysex file to a CZ-101 using amidi.
amidiCZ-101ReceiveRetrieve sounds from a CZ-101 using amidi.

Windows Topics

MIDI-OX is a popular Windows application for communicating with MIDI devices.

MIDI-OXCZ-1SendSend a sysex file to a CZ-1 using MIDI-OX.
MIDI-OXCZ-1ReceiveRetrieve sounds from a CZ-1 using MIDI-OX.
MIDI-OXCZ-101SendSend a sysex file to a CZ-101 using MIDI-OX.
MIDI-OXCZ-101ReceiveRetrieve sounds from a CZ-101 using MIDI-OX.