
How It Works

This can be a tricky subject to wrap one's brain around. I am trying to make the explanation thorough enough, but not too simplistic. I might be making errors in both directions. Here is a basic definition:

Mike Date
a count of days from birth until death, with time of day represented as decimalized days.1

It's Like A Book...

Imagine a book that represents your life. Each page of the book represents one day, and each page is numbered. For one thing, it would be a fat book. But each page would have a unique number, that's the important part. If you wanted to find a certain page, you'd know exactly where to look. And every book has a front and back cover, if you know what I mean.

It's Like Money...

Imagine you got paid a dollar for every day you're alive. And just to make it easy, imagine you were born at midnight. Right when you're born, you have $0.00. But if you make it to noon, you're halfway through the first day, so you get $0.50. And if you make it 24 hours you get $1.00.

That's how the Mike Date works, but unfortunately I don't get any money. When you're born you have 0.00 days. If you make it twelve hours, you've got 0.50 days. If you make it one whole day, now you've got 1.00 days. I am currently at 18054.94315 days.

Time And Date In One Measurment

Most people think of the time and date as being different things, even though they measure the same property. You have your calendar for dates, and you have your watch for time. That duality is one of the problems with the way we currently measure time.

The Mike Date is the date and time all in one number2. An example Mike Date is 18054.94315. The part to the left of the decimal (18054) can be considered the date. The part to the right of the decimal (94315) can be considered the time.

Time Measurement Using Days

Decimalized Days24-hour timeAM/PM time
0.12503:003:00 AM
0.25006:006:00 AM
0.33308:008:00 AM
0.37509:009:00 AM
0.62515:003:00 PM
0.66716:004:00 PM
0.75018:006:00 PM
0.87521:009:00 PM

This table offers some easy examples of time measurements using days, and how they relate to time measurements most people use.

Decimal days and hours/minutes/seconds are like two different rulers that measure the same thing. Hours/minutes/seconds would be the yard stick, and decimal days would be the meter stick.

Decimalized Days24-hour timeAM/PM time
0.10002:242:24 AM
0.20004:484:48 AM
0.30007:127:12 AM
0.40009:369:36 AM
0.60014:242:24 PM
0.70016:484:48 PM
0.80019:127:12 PM
0.90021:369:36 PM

Here is a different table where the answers are not so obvious.

A tenth of a day is 2.4 hours, which works out to be 2 hours and 24 minutes.


  1. For people who know about different time systems, the Mike Date is just like the Julian Date or the Modified Julian Date, except with a different origin. The Mike Date is not rigorously calculated or maintained; it is just derived from other clocks.
  2. Time and date are combined in other alternate time systems as well. Two obvious examples are the Julian Date and Unix Time.