
Configuration Files

The configuration files are as streamlined as they can be while getting the job done. The configurations files let you:

  • Configure your local file paths
  • Express a preference for timeline graphic scale
  • Establish your buckets
  • Establish your projects
  • Move projects from current to archived

There are two configuration files. The first, stopthat.conf, configures the STOPTHAT application as a whole. The second, projects.conf, defines all your buckets and projects.


stopthat.conf is used to configure the software as a whole. Here is an example file:

[global] database_file_path = /home/user/stopthat/data/main-database-name.txt clipboard_file_path = /home/user/stopthat/data/clipboard-name.txt timelines_dir_path = /home/user/stopthat/timelines/ timelines_x_scale = 1.5 timelines_y_module = 8
The full path to the primary database.
The full path to the clipboard for the current device.
The full path to a directory where timeline graphics can be stored.
Change the timeline scale in the X direction (left/right) to accommodate different size screens.
Change the timeline scale in the Y direction (up/down) to accommodate different size screens.


projects.conf is used to set up buckets, projects, and move projects from current to archived. Here is an example file:

[mybucket] cp1 = Current Project 1 cp2 = Current Project 2 cp3 = Current Project 3 [old mybucket] op1 = Old Project 1 op2 = Old Project 2 op3 = Old Project 3
A name in square brackets creates a new bucket for projects.
[old mybucket]
The same bucket name, prefixed with old, is a place to store archived projects.
cp1 = Current Project 1
The project ID and name of the first active project.
op1 = Old Project 1
The project ID and name of the first archived project.